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Tampa Personal Injury Blogs from February, 2013

Tampa Drowning Attorney Personal Injury Lawyer - Florida Drowning Information.


The Center for Disease and Control ("CDC") reports that children between the ages of one (1) and four (4) are the most at risk group for drowning and near-drowning injuries. Children that fall within that category are most likely to drown in a residential swimming pool. Although drowning rates have slightly decreased, drowning remains the second leading cause of death for children aged fourteen (14) and under. Our Tampa Drowning Lawyers are able to assist families who have suffered from such a devastating injury or loss of a loved one.

Supervision and the location of the pool are significant factors in child drowning cases. A recent study that included Florida revealed that 69% of the drownings occurred while one (1) or both parents were responsible for supervision of the child; 10% were adults other than the child's parents; 14% were child/baby sitters and 7% were siblings. Furthermore, 65% of the drownings occurred in the child's pool, 22% occurred at a family members' pool and 11% occurred at a neighbor's house.

Some basic steps can be used in drowning prevention:

  • Every pool owner should ensure they are in compliance with Florida's Residential Swimming Pool Safety Act.
  • Ensure the pool is surrounded by a four (4) foot fence;
  • Ensure pool fences have self-closing and self-latching gates that are out of reach of small children;
  • Ensure all doors leading to the pool have alarms;
  • Consider installation of an underwater swimming pool alarm and;
  • Consider hiring a lifeguard for pool parties that will have small children.
  • Please contact us, your Tampa Personal Injury Attorneys, if you have any questions regarding drowning injuries and/or compliance with Florida's Residential Swimming Pool Safety Act. Our attorneys litigate swimming pool and drowning cases throughout the greater Tampa Bay area, including Hernando, Hillsborough, Lake, Manatee, Orange, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, and Sarasota counties.
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